Friday, February 2, 2007

And the Internship Goes To...

The newspaper. Which is called the Börsen-Kurier, and is somehow tied to the Economist. I'm still not sure how, but that's what they keep telling me. I sent the emails out this evening to everybody involved. Although I took the internship with the BK, in the email to Dr. Oswald, I mentioned that I would like to continue to keep in touch with him. Herr Schwarz said that he was a very wise man, and that I could learn a lot from him. I'm hoping that I can have an unofficial mentor in Dr. Oswald, which could potentially turn into a job later down the line...

In other internship-related news, I recieved an offer from Merrill Lynch for a second round interview. Don't ask me how that happened, I could have sworn that I royally messed up the first one I had with them. Apparently, they thought differently. When it rains, it pours I guess. I won't have that interview until the end of February, and then there's the one with Boeing in the middle of February. Hopefully, one of them will yield an interesting (and well-paying) internship over the coming summer. With Merrill Lynch, I'd be in New York City and with Boeing I'd be in Seattle. Just keep your fingers crossed people!

The rest of tonight should be filled with packing and chilling out. Sarah and Alison and Travis already left for Rome, they were taking the overnight train like I will be for Easter break. If I have the inclination later on tonight, I'll add some details on each flatty to my blog, as per several requests. But for now, I think I'll make my lunch for tomorrow and see if there's anything else I can pack. I'm going to do it all in once backpack, which is very awesome, and that's with my laptop. It's probably going to be a bit heavy, but I'll still be able to blog and upload pictures.

Love you all!

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