Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Here Goes Nothing...

Alright, we'll see how this works I guess. Since I'm leaving in like a week and half, and I started getting all sentimental and emo and stuff, I figured there should be a way I can keep in touch with everybody at home while I'm in Austria. And this is easier than making a huge email group (which I'll probably end up doing anyway) so I leave it to you all to actually come here and read this.

So I leave on January 9th, and I'm kinda excited, except that I'm not packed and I don't know what to bring etc. That and I'm not even totally moved back home. I still have dorm stuff in my car. It's getting inconvenient because I go shopping with Mom and we get all this really great stuff, but because we go in my car and its already full, we kind of have to shove things in the cracks and now I can't see out my back window. Which is bad, but only for the people behind me.

And now I'm out of thoughts, but everybody else's are welcome. That and it's finally dinner time! Yay for meatloaf (seriously, my mom's meatloaf rocks)


Anonymous said...

And so the countdown begins. I'm excited for you, but sad at the same time...

Anonymous said...

You better take lots of pictures! :-p

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandy --
It's about 8PM, and your probably in process of boarding that flight @ JFK. I look forward to all of your stories and pic's.

Stay safe, enjoy, and I love ya!

Aunt J

Anonymous said...

Dear Amanda:

auf wiedersehen!!!!!!!!!!

Your flying at this moment!!!

We love you,

Aly, Tay, Trav & Matt